LiveInNewZealand · Website



The Live In New Zealand website is an affiliate of Lane Neave Lawyers. It promotes New Zealand as a place to migrate to and informs viewers about almost every aspect of moving to New Zealand. Combining the picturesque and the erudite in one place, viewers can use Lane Neave's services to help the move to New Zealand. Live In New Zealand was launched in the UK in October 2008. We aimed for perfect photographs to capture all aspects of the New Zealand landscape and lifestyle. Catering for both casual viewing and in-depth research, the website has a Read More function on each page, a specifically designed feature that allows readers to choose between key points or a thorough description. Utilising, above all, the full potential of photography, the Live In New Zealand website is refined, creative and captivating. Technically the site needed to combine the visual concept with speed of delivery and ease of management by Lane Neave staff. The programming team implemented the site using inhouse Content Management System (CMS), built with a PHP/MySQL framework.

“These designers provided a creative energy (seriously lacking in their competitors), they did what they promised they could do and more, they were open, realistic and totally committed to our needs and everything they did was done with an extremely high level of client service: they were always on time, always on the ball and made us feel like we were the most important client they had.“   Carlton Walker, Business Development Manager